

Melissa Halpin

Melissa Halpin is CEO & Principal of Memora, a woman-owned virtual design agency that creates memorable experiences for clients around the world. She is also co-founder of several start-ups, that range from the digital signage software, Screen Future, and the iOS gear app, Tonechaser, to an online community for women, The Kindling Project Ignite. Outside of titles and roles, Melissa identifies as an artist and is committed to supporting other women in their creative pursuits. She is supported by a husband, two kids, two dogs, and more friends and more co-creators than she can count. Melissa's Kindling Project is to see other women tap into their passion projects and find the support, remove the obstacles, and create that online store, write that novel, start that non-profit!

Monica I Curtis

Monica Inestroza-Curtis (Mic), a girl with a pen, is wildly captivated by the human condition. She freely shares her growth journey and others' stories in a relatable, say-it-and-mean-it blog, ToGETherJOY. Mic believes in the power of storytelling and encourages women to unleash their inner voice and author up! A socially conscious influencer, Mic aspires to make a difference- one story at a time. 


In 2022, Mic partnered with The Kindling Project. They are dedicated to empowering women through connection, collaboration, and creation. Together they wholeheartedly believe that anything is possible when women unite.